Monday, November 23, 2015

Exit slip: video of Dave Hewitt's math classes

Watching the videos of two of Dave Hewitt's classroom caused me to think about my own style of teaching, what my goals of each math lesson should focus on, and students' response to a lesson. I like how Mr. Hewitt utilized the entire perimeter of the classroom; the shift in orientation with regards to each student benefits student attention. Also, I was impressed at how extensively repetitions were used to emphasize the main points. Another area of interest was the choral response from the students since most of the time, I imagine a math classroom to be mostly quiet with either the teacher or one student speaking. I think the choral response is generally a good approach but I would like to check the answers at some point. A student may have said a different answer than his peers but maintain that his was correct. The second lesson in which Mr. Hewitt introduced the idea of variables and different operations was quite interesting as well. I think how he subtly wrote down "x" while saying "I'm thinking of a number" was a great way to express these equivalent relations to students.

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