Monday, September 28, 2015

Influential math teachers

My fifth grade teacher in California was the most memorable first teacher who made math an interesting and fun subject for me. I came out of that school year telling everyone that I loved math. At the beginning of each class day, we worked on the exercise called "Star Voyager" which consists of small math problems and one challenge question. Each student accumulated points based on the number of problems solved. I don't remember exactly but it somehow added to our imaginary adventure into outer space. I hope to bring fun and challenging problems that would further interest students in the subject.

I think a not very exciting math teacher would be my junior high math teacher. She excelled at solving problems and answering our questions. I learned a lot from following her examples but the format of every lecture was the same. In my teaching, I will plan to have a diverse range of activities to approach different concepts in problem solving. 

In my Pre-Calculus class in high school, the teacher was enthusiastic about the subject. This really made me desire the same love for math and teaching math as I had a role model there. I found that helping my peers with the concepts and assignments in math was very enjoyable and rewarding. The teacher provided a space for student pair/group discussions which I think is crucial in learning math.

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